







🗨️ 2023 Climate Vocabulary

Luca Cada Lora

Dec 26, 2022

Group of people standing near trees | Unsplash

Group of people standing near trees | Unsplash

💧 Dead pool

Dead pool occurs when water in a reservoir drops so low that it can’t flow downstream from a Dam. In some part of the world, the water in the reservoir is important to provide water for drinking, irrigation and hydroelectricity. The drought in the Colorado River basin has persisted for 22 years, and as a result, the water level in Lakes Powell and Mead has dropped to the point where it is causing problems for the hydroelectric power plants located at the base of their dams. These plants have turbines that are designed to be submerged in water, and as the water level drops, it becomes increasingly difficult to generate electricity through this process.

Extreme drought and climate change can contribute to a rapid decline in the level of water in a reservoir, such as a lake or dam. Drought conditions can lead to a decrease in precipitation, which can reduce the amount of water available to fill the reservoir. Additionally, climate change can lead to changes in weather patterns, including shifts in the timing and amount of precipitation, which can also affect the level of water in a reservoir.

🌡️ Aridification

Aridification is the process of becoming more arid, or dry. It refers to the increasing dryness of a region or ecosystem, often as a result of climate change or other environmental factors. It can also be exacerbated by human activities such as irrigation and the construction of dams, which can alter the natural flow of water and reduce the amount of water available downstream.

Aridification can have a number of negative impacts, including the loss of biodiversity, decreased agricultural productivity, and increased conflict over water resources. It can also lead to desertification, which is the process of land becoming desert-like due to the loss of vegetation and other environmental changes.

🏠 Resilient hub

Resilience hub

A resilient hub is a place or community that is able to withstand and recover from disruptions, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or social upheaval. A resilient hub is typically characterized by a strong sense of community, robust infrastructure, and a diversity of resources and skills that can be mobilized in times of crisis. It is the next level of cooling center. There is probably air conditioning, water, charger phone if the power goes out during heat wave but also might be social services.

🛣️ Cool pavement

Cool pavement

Cool pavement is a type of surface material that is designed to reflect sunlight and heat, rather than absorb it. This can help to reduce the temperature of the pavement and the surrounding air. There are several types of cool pavement materials that are currently available, including porous asphalt, concrete, and surfaces coated with reflective materials. These materials can be used in a variety of settings, including roads, parking lots, and walkways.

Luca Cada Lora.

Regenerative Journal is my personal blog covering energy, economy, climate, tech, sustainability and its public policy.

Follow @lucaxyzz on Twitter

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