







💊 My Daily Dietary Supplemets

Luca Cada Lora

Feb 20, 2023

Curiosity about dietary supplements

Dietary supplements is pretty rare for Indonesian. The popularity might be growing because of Covid-19 pandemic that forced the patient to eat vitamin complex. In recent two years, I actively doing export and import and eventually importing dietary supplement for individual or personal use from America. It grows my question, why there is no this kind of supplements in Indonesia like vitamin D-3 5000 IU or other unfamiliar chemicals.

Americans may consume dietary supplements for a variety of reasons. Some people may have certain health conditions that require supplementation to ensure that they are getting all the necessary nutrients. Others may take supplements to prevent the risk of certain diseases or to support overall health and well-being.

Additionally, there is a widespread belief that dietary supplements can provide a variety of health benefits beyond what can be obtained from a healthy diet. This belief is fueled in part by the marketing and advertising of supplements and the availability of supplements in many stores and online.

Tweet about vivid dream

In the late of December 2022, this tweet appeared in my twitter feed. He said, high dose of magnesium & L-Theanine will give virtual reality dreams or vivid dreams. Back in 2020 when pandemic hit and made a national lockdown, my life was more interesting in bed and vivid dreams made me enjoyed the experiences. That tweet made me more interested with this kind of supplement and start doing a research.

I purchased magnesium and L-Theanine online and started his recommendation. In fact, I get the vivid dreams, a dream that I can fully remember when I woke up. But, those dosage made me very tired in the morning. It might because my brain very active when I sleeping so I started to do research about the suitable dosage

From vivid dreams into daily dietary supplements

With the beneficial that I can feel it instantly and a lot of recommendation from 'youtube' doctor, i tried to take these supplements into my daily dietary supplements

  • L-Theanine 2 x 200mg

    L-theanine is an amino acid that is found primarily in tea leaves, particularly green tea. It is believed to have several health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving cognitive function, and promoting relaxation.

    Research suggests that L-theanine can help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety by increasing levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters help to regulate mood and promote feelings of well-being.

    L-theanine may also have cognitive benefits, as it has been shown to improve attention, memory, and reaction time in some studies. It may also help to enhance creativity and productivity by increasing alpha brain wave activity, which is associated with a relaxed but focused state of mind. L-theanine is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with few reported side effects.

  • Magnesium 1 x 400 mg

    Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in a wide range of bodily functions, including nerve and muscle function, bone health, and heart health. The recommended daily intake of magnesium varies depending on factors such as age, sex, and health status, but most adults require between 300-400 mg per day.

    Research suggests that magnesium supplementation may have several health benefits. For example, magnesium may help to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, and promote better sleep. Magnesium may also be beneficial for people with migraines, as it has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines in some studies.

  • Sambiloto 1 x 300mg // Becomzet // Fatigon spirit (interchangeably)

    Vitamin is a must for an active person. With my daily routine of working starting 5 a.m until 11 p.m, it is an essential part of my life in order not to sick. Most of us may already know about Becomzet, a vitamin complex including Zinc.

    In my personal opinion, I always choose natural product like herbs instead a complex chemicals. I often consume liquid herbs (jamu) including beras kencur, kunyit asem, cabe puyang (sambiloto included), but it pretty rare to find in Jakarta until I found Sidomuncul product which contains 300 mg of sambiloto extract.

    Fatigon spirit my substitute of vitamin when I have a soar muscle due to heavy activities. From these three vitamins, my prioritize are Sambiloto - Becomzet - Fatigon Spirit

  • LAC Goodnight (GABA) 1-2 sticks when needed

    I found this product when I had a trip in KL, Malaysia. It contains GABA which pretty good to increase sleep quality.

    GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in the brain that helps to regulate nerve activity and promote relaxation. It is often used as a supplement to promote better sleep, as it has been shown to have calming effects and may help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Research suggests that GABA supplements may be helpful for improving sleep quality and duration, particularly in people with sleep disorders such as insomnia. GABA may also be beneficial for reducing anxiety and improving mood in some people. GABA supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and powders.


A month after taking these supplements, there is no significant behavior or negative impacts to my body. Instead, I realize my cognitive skills increased like writing skills and other creative things such as making a video. I don't know whether it comes from L-Theanine or not, i still can't confirm.

With no negative impact, I still aware that if we consume supplements that contains chemicals it will affect our kidney to work harder so I consider to feed my body with a lot of water to make sure it circulated well.

Luca Cada Lora.

Regenerative Journal is my personal blog covering energy, climate, tech, sustainability and its public policy.

Follow @lucaxyzz on Twitter

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